
Brancaster Allotment Society
Application for Membership

Click HERE to print an application form

Membership is open to all those who share the society’s objectives as set out in the Tenancy Agreement and who agree to abide by the   Society‘s Constitution and Code of Conduct, whether or not they are allotment holders.Code of Conduct

Members and visitors to the site are expected to respect one another, the land, the plants and wildlife; and to act responsibly at all times as set out in the allotment tenancy agreement.
Application details
Address:                                                                               Postcode:
E-mail:                                                                                  Phone No.:
Potential Allotment Holder  Yes / No   (Please circle as appropriate)
I agree to pay the appropriate membership and annual fees, support the objectives of the Society as laid out in it Tenancy Agreement, abide by its Constitution and Code of Conduct.
The Annual Membership fee is £5.00 (reviewed at the AGM)
Please make your cheque payable to Brancaster Allotment Association and post to  Peter Kane – 1 Common Lane, Brancaster Staithe, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE31 8BL
For Association use:

Application approved by ……………………………………………Chair/Treasurer/Secretary

Signed ……………………………………………………                  Date  …………………………..

Fee paid …………………

Membership Number …………………….

Membership Effective from ……………..  (Insert date) until…………….. (Insert date)

Please click to download the agreement below

Tenancy agreement 19th march 2019

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